Today’s first shipment of herbs to patients.
You’ve trained your whole career for COVID-19.
You CAN do this.
The phrase “unprecedented times” has been thrown around to the point of being meaningless.
We’re living through a paradigm shifting event of global proportions.
And there are almost too many emotions to process. Grief. Fear. Panic. Boredom. Trepidation. Depression.
But I want to offer you some hope.
I’m a Chinese medicine practitioner working in NYC and as I write this, today is March 26th. COVID-19 has been on our US shores since at least the beginning of the month - if not longer.
I’m in the epicenter of the US pandemic. New York City has seen more infections and more deaths than any other state at the time of this writing. We are in quarantine and “social distancing” is in full effect. I vacated my office two weeks ago and, like all other practitioners, jumped into tele-medicine as a way to support my patients so that I could keep them safe. I have a ton of patients I’m treating remotely and have had both ups and downs in trying to help them.
This event has renewed my faith in Chinese medicine. It’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when” your patients are going to get it hit. Where we can help them is keeping the trajectory of the virus as manageable as possible so they’re able to ride it out at home. Acupuncture is great and it’s how we earn our bread - but the magic here is the herbs.
This blog post is dedicated to all the other practitioners in the field who need a little guidance and ideas.
THE NUMBER ONE ISSUE IS SUPPLY CHAINS. The people working at Kamwo, Crane, and other dispensaries are heroes. They’re working around the clock to fulfill orders. But there’s limited stock. So they’re back logged or simply out of key ingredients - which means you’ll have to wait. But that’s the difference between your patient who has COVID being intubated or being able to manage this at home.
ORDER HERBS TO YOUR HOME SO YOU CAN DROP SHIP THEM: At the bottom of this blog, I’ve included a list of vendors and a suggested shopping list. We all have our favorite suppliers, but where I’ve spent most of my time is sourcing formulas. Don’t be an asshole who hordes; but keep a small dispensary and let your colleagues know what you have in stock. That way you can ship to each other’s patients as necessary. I’ve written some amazingly poetic stellar formulas that have been worthless because no one could fill them. So I've given you ideas of what to have on hand so you can move quickly.
STOCK UP ON SHIPPING SUPPLIES: Drop by USPS and pick up small and medium flat rate shipping boxes. That way you can disinfect the packaging, fulfill orders at home, do CLICK AND SHIP labels, and all you have to do is drop them off at the post office before they close for the day. Or even better, you can schedule a USPS pick-up free of charge when you do the CLICK AND SHIP.
CALL YOUR PATIENTS: In normal circumstances, I don’t chase patients. I’m here with open arms when they’re ready to heal - but as a matter of protocol and professional boundaries, I only call when necessary. Right now, it’s necessary. Go through your database and call everyone at risk. Anyone over 60. Anyone immune-compromised. Anyone in a tough family situation. Anyone who may be isolated. Call. Call. Call. Even if it’s only 5 minutes - it will mean the world to them. Newsletters and email are great - but let them hear your voice.
CALL YOUR COLLEAGUES: Stay in touch with them on a daily basis. Talk about what they’re seeing and share case information. Support each other because in addition to being practitioners, we need to unload and share our uncertainty. Support each other. And be willing to drop ship to each other’s patients.
Acupuncture: Be sure to self moxa everyday. Post social media instructions teaching your patients how to moxa.
Tui-Na: This is the hardest - but in this case it’s about touch. If you’re distancing at home with other people, hug more often. Cuddle more often. If you’re isolating at home, CDC has informed us that pets can’t get COVID - so cuddle the cat until she scratches you. If you’re alone, take long epsom salt baths or order a weighted blanket.
Herbs: Take the same herbs you’re prescribing. Low doses of Jing Feng Bai Du San or Dragon Pearls (see below). Stay healthy.
Diet: It’s easy to do the #Quarntine15. Don’t. Stay away from processed food - have the occasional treat, but treat food as medicine. You have a responsibility to protect your immune system. Don’t crash it with trash because it’s easy and comforting.
Movement / Qi Gong: Just fucking move. Social distancing DOSE NOT EQUAL social isolation. Go for walks and breath fresh air. Move your body, move Liver Qi. Go outside. Do yoga. To not let your Qi stagnate.
EMBRACE YIN. There are 3 more branches we never talk about because we sound crazy. The other 3 are Meditation, Feng Shui, and Astrology. They correlate to how you’re moving internally (mediation), how you’re moving locally (Feng Shui), and where you are in you’re life cycle (Astrology). Healing happens in quiet times; embrace a little quietude everyday. Make space for it. If you can’t mediate, just chill. Review whether your environment is supporting you. If you’re residing in chaos, it’s impossible to embrace Yin. Where can you reduce chaos?
IT’S OKAY TO FREEZE AND BREAKDOWN: I’ve had multiple crying jags where I’ve wound up in the fetal position crying on the floor. I’ve had mornings where I’ve slept until noon because of overwhelm. But pick your healer ass up and get back in the fight. You incarnated at time where you now have a critical skill set that humanity needs. Step up. You can do this. I promise.
Governor Coumo said it best; “I love New York because New York loves you!” Dear healer, I love you and I’m proud to call you a colleague. I’m proud to be in the fray with you. I’ve got your back and I know you have mine. This is going to be a hell of a ride - but we can do this together.
Much love and a big middle finger to COVID,
Recipes to Give to Patients
There are a few things I’ve seen with COVID-19 patients that are unique to the virus. A tell tale sign is that there’s a loss of smell and taste; they can have a hot coffee in their hand, but they won't smell it. And not due to congestion - their sense of smell just disappears. I’ve also had patients talk about bleeding noses, sharp stabbing pain in different parts of the body, and a weird increase in heat symptoms when they have sugar or anything processed. If you can’t get them herbs, get them recipes. Make sure they have everything they need to be as comfortable as possible.
Here are a few recommendations. Click on the bold font for instructions and links.
Congee: Nutrient dense, easy to make, and all the ingredients are readily available in the supermarket.
Black Pepper and Pomegranate: This is pure conjecture regarding COVID; however, in Chinese medicine, black pepper is known as Hu Jiao, a powerful herb used to warm the middle and alleviate cold-type abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. An antioxidant found in pomegranates called punicalagin has been shown to stop the flu virus from replicating and spreading. Worth a shot.
Bone Broth: I use to have a bone broth company because the healing power of this is unmatched in some cases. Nutrient and vitamin dense - give the body the resources to self heal. Start making this NOW.
Pear Soup: You need Asian Pear, Da Zao (jujube), and fresh ginger. My colleague and friend, Jeremy Pulsifer, put together a quick “how to” on his FaceBook page. I’ve embedded here so you can see how easy it is. The pear and ginger are easy to source; jujube is a bit harder - but you can order it by the kilo to have on hand.
Lily Bulb Soup: Ingredients are harder to source, but Lily Bulb is going to get us out of this COVID hell hole.
Shopping List of Patents to Have on Hand
We all have our favorite dispensaries, but these are all the things I wish I had had on hand before the start of the pandemic because it would have saved me time. See what you can source NOW before your community grinds to halt. I’ve provided direct links to the vendors (you will need an active license to purchase from them), but source from Amazon, Emerson Ecologics, or anywhere else you have a connection.
There’s a two pronged approach you need on your radar.
Tonify Wei Qi and Nourish the Lungs: This is going to be herbs like Mai Men Dong, Di Long strangely enough, and Jie Geng. But the star of the show is Bai He. It will make or break your formula - I attribute this herb to keeping my patients out of the hospital.
Inhibit Viral Replication: This is going to be all the anti-virals you studied and anti-inflammatories that show up in the “clear heat” category. Huang Qin, Huang Bai, Huang Lian, Ban Lan Gen, Da Qing Ye, Lian Qiao, Jin Yin Hua, Hu Jiang, and anything else that goes after toxic heat.
I’ve found this to be best in the first stages of COVID; they’ve helped keep the virus to a dull roar so when the COVID evolves into the second stage it’s much less severe than it could have been.
The Wind Pearls simultaneously warm deficient yang qi while clearing toxic heat. The intended treatment is for allergies; however, they have Cang Er Zi San in them plus Sanzi Yangqin Tang, so they keep the Lungs moist. It’s really important to keep the Lung Yin in tact because when COVID drops into the Lungs, it’s going to cause tissue degradation.
Dragon Pearls clear toxic heat in cases of acute inflammation. So they’re going to help protect the body’s Yuan Qi so that there’s juice in the system to heal.
Another thought is Thunder Pearls - I have colleagues who’ve had success with these because they treat various deficiencies in Qi, Yin, and Xue.
Wind Pearls
Dragon Pearls
Thunder Pearls
The Lily Bulb formula has been an absolute god send. Bai He moistens the lungs, clears heat, and stops cough. Get your people on this as soon as possible. Especially if they’ve already moved to the second stage of the virus. The dry cough shows the Lungs are burning out and if you don’t protect them, they’re going to start to fill with fluid as self protection because the alveoli is getting stripped. So you need to do everything you can to keep appropriate Yin in the Lungs so the body doesn't dump mucus in there as a protective measure. That’s a recipe for pneumonia - and the goal is to get your patients through this stage without too much damp production.
The Astra Isatis is a combination of different herbs that promote strengthening the Wei Qi, clearing toxins from the body, and expelling phlegm. Chai Hu assists in reducing low-grade fevers and regulating the circulatory system. I’ve used this more for care givers or for people who are quarantined with someone else in the house who has COVID-19.
Lily Bulb
Astra Isatis
John Chen is a national treasure and American herbalists owe him a huge hug of gratitude.
I’m an Evergreen girl at heart. I’ve used their formulas for over a decade because they work so well. So this is a suggested list of things that you can order ahead of time.
One of the tell tale signs of COVID-19 is the loss of smell and taste. It’s an early symptom, but it means that the virus is lodged in the sinus passages. The difference between Magnolia Clear Sinus and Pueraria Clear Sinus is that PCS has Huang Qin, She Gao, and Ge Gen. Whereas MCS has Fang Feng and Sheng Ma. So I suggest leaning towards PCS in this case - but if they’re out, MCS will work in the first stages. But you need to double the dose and have the patient take the herbs every 4 hours
The Respitrol series is a god send. But this is in short supply. Respitrol CF will help open the Lungs and Nourish Yin; however, the Respitrol Heat has Shi Gao, Sang Bai Pi, and Lian Qiao.
But if you can get it - Bai He Gu Jin Tang. The lily bulb formula. This will save lives. It has high doses of Shu Di Huang; however, don’t sorry about the cloying nature because if your patient has hit yin deficiency - they need it. This has Mai Men Dong and Bai He - which is key in keeping the Lungs online.
Jing Fang Bai Du San
Ren Shen Bai Du san
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Bu Fei Tang
Magnolia Clear Sinus
Nourish (Fluids)
Pueraria Clear Sinus
Respitrol (get ALL of them. You’ll need it for different stages of COVID)
Admittedly, I don’t use a ton of Kan Herbs. Their website drives me crazy - but they’re herbalists, not technologists. They make amazing products. I went through their catalog, and these would be two formulas you could have on hand. Especially if you’re able to get the tinctures. Easier to get into the patient because it can be mixed with water or put in bone broth.
Dispel Invasion / Jing Fang Bai Du San
Wise Judge / She Shen Mai Men Dong + Sheng Mai San