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Probiotic Primer


Probiotic Primer

Our belly contains several pounds (yes, pounds!) of helpful bacteria that help us with things such as digesting last night's kebab and killing fungi or harmful bacteria that have managed to find their way into the gut. Good bacteria is a vital part of our immune system, and when the bacterial balance is off, we're off too. Learn how to shop for the right type of probiotic, recommended protocols, and the brands I'm always recommending. 


Hangover Heaven


Hangover Heaven

The road to hell is paved with good intentions; it starts with "just one drink" and a commitment to be home by 10pm. The middle part is the stuff of legend, but the ending is awful. We've all been there, but the awful didn't learn us - and we keep going back as our curfews are blown.

When I tell patients to curb the sauce, unless we're in a "do or die" situation, I fully acknowledge the nods are little more than polite. It's my responsibility to see you safe, regardless of the situation - and a recurrent conversation I often have after "stop drinking" is "how to handle a hangover".

