Experience Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture | Herbs | Chinese Medicine | Cupping | Gua Sha
Moxibustion | V-Steams | Celluma Infrared Light Therapy
Experience Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture | Herbs | Chinese Medicine | Cupping | Gua Sha
Moxibustion | V-Steams | Celluma Infrared Light Therapy
The healing knowledge of our ancestors
integrated with modern medicine
The healing knowledge of our ancestors
integrated with modern medicine
I believe that the best Chinese medicine practitioners know acupuncture is a last resort. That true healing happens when your blind spots are illuminated and that healing starts from the inside out. My job is to act as a sherpa guiding you towards the best version of yourself. Something transformative and magical happens when you're self empowered, given knowledge, and prescribed resources to take outside the treatment room.
...and very often the only thing needed is a slight course correction with someone experienced enough to keep you on the right path. I know that with the right support and someone who believes in you, healing is not only possible but a mandatory reality.